Ways to Deliver Insulin into Your Body

Over the past years, drug companies have developed various ways to deliver insulin into the bloodstream. The two most popular and most commonly used ways are the syringe and insulin pen.
1. Syringe
Insulin syringes come in short and long needles. The length of the needle affects the amount of time that insulin takes effect. Longer needles offer more depth and this causes the insulin to take effect more quickly. A syringe has three parts: a needle, a barrel, and a plunger. The barrel is marked with lines to measure the number of insulin units.
2. Insulin Pen
The insulin pen…

Important Reminders Before You Disconnect Your Insulin Pump

Although insulin pump is very convenient to use, take note that it falls under the short-acting insulin category. Therefore, it can be a bit dangerous if it is accidentally disconnected or you forgot to reconnect it after temporarily disconnecting it. Some daily activities like bathing, swimming, intimacy, sports, etc, may require you to unhook your insulin pumps. You may also need to disconnect your pump when undergoing medical examinations including but not limited to x-ray, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Take note to always check your blood sugar level every time before disconnecting your insulin pump. Once you’…

How to Manage Your Blood Sugar by Changing Your Eating Habits

Knowing that you have diabetes is an advantage since you are able to control your blood sugar. If you are diagnosed whether type 1 or type 2 diabetes you must work with your doctor to maintain your blood sugar level. First, you must know your numbers. Monitor your hemoglobin A1C, blood glucose level, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Your doctor will explain which of these to work on and the number that you should you maintain.
There are several easy ways to manage your diabetes one of them is to watch what you eat and how much you eat.

Studies show that a low-carb diet helps reduce blood sugar. So start planning your …

What is an Insulin Pump?

While insulin injection provides either rapid-acting or long-acting insulin, some people take multiple short-acting insulin dosages and this is where an insulin pump comes in handy. Insulin manufacturers have developed an insulin pump that provides a continuous dosage of short-acting insulin all day long without the hassle of multiple dosages.
An Insulin pump is a programmable device, the size of a smartphone that delivers a continuous amount of insulin in your body. The pump can be worn around the waist, …

The Basics About Insulin

There are many different insulin drugs on the market today. Drug companies and pharmaceuticals continue to develop
and improve insulin drugs, not to mention alternative medicine or herbal-based drugs for diabetes.
The wide lineup of insulin drugs and devices to administer insulin provide great options for patients and physicians alike. However, not all insulins were created equal; a number of them have different chemical compositions. The types of insulin that you should take must correspond to the type of diabetes that you have.
Doctors recommend the type of drug based on your blood sugar level, your lifestyle, and …